What we treat…

Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Sports massage therapies can help a variety of conditions using slightly different methods.

Common areas of complaint and conditions that often present are found below:

neck pain Guernsey

Neck pain

Neck pain can be incredibly debilitating; this can be mechanical, posture or sleep related, from the cervical facet joints or cervical discs. Common conditions include cervical facet sprain, wry neck, torticollis and cervical disc bulges.

Lower back pain

Lower back pain is our most common complaint; this can be of muscular origin from the erector spinae or quadratus lumborum, from the lumbar facet joints or from the lumbar discs. Common conditions include lumbago, acute and chronic backache.

upper back and rib injury Guernsey

Thoracic + rib pain

Thoracic or rib pain can be a direct cause of posture or upper crossed syndrome as well as a referral by many of the upper back muscles, intercostals and the ribs themselves.


Headaches can originate from the cervical spine, trapezius and other neck and shoulder muscles, jaw and TMJ, tension headaches and we can help with migraines prevention.

chiropractic treatment of sciatica in Guernsey


Sciatic pain means pain down the leg; this can be from a lumbar disc bulge, sciatic or femoral neuralgia, gluteal muscle or piriformis referral or from the hip joint. Sometimes you can experience a tingling, numb or burning sensation down the thigh or leg when nerves are irritated.

Elbow pain

Epicondylitis is inflammation of the muscles that attach to the elbow joint; commonly called golfers elbow or tennis elbow depending on which side of the arm it is.

However if you have pain radiating from the neck or shoulder down to the arm, hand or fingers. This can be caused by cervical disc bulges that cause impingement on nerves or thoracic outlet syndrome; this should be screened by a practitioner.

Shoulder pain

Shoulder pain can cause issues with mobility like adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), a painful arc of motion such as a shoulder impingement syndrome or through limited power with rotator cuff and biceps tendon tears and tendonitis.

Knee injuries

Many knee injuries are caused from a hip or an ankle imbalance (or both) that either leads to the knee moving too much or too little. These include; ITB syndrome (runners knee), Ligament sprains: cruciate(ACL,PCL) + collateral (MCL,LCL), Meniscus injuries, patellar tendonitis Additionally we can help with osteoarthritis in both the hip and knee.

Foot ankle pain including plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains

Foot and Ankle pain

Common ankle injuries include the more obvious - ankle sprains (ATFL,CFL, Lisfranc). Muscle injuries include gastrocnemius/soleus tear (or tendonitis) and medial stress syndrome (shin splints). Other foot conditions include plantar fasciitis

injuries are our best teachers - Scott Jurek